Day 1 (Weightlifting + Conditioning)

A) Warm-up / Activation

A1. Warm-up

1 minute Cardio of choice (bike, row, ski-erg)


3 rounds of

10 Down dog toe taps

10 bird dogs

10 Banded presses

20″ Banded glute bridge hold

A2. Specific prep

2 rounds of

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Presses

5 muscle cleans

B) Weightlifting

Every minute for 6 minutes

2 strict press + 4 push press

C) Conditioning

C1. AMRAP x 16 minutes

2000/1600m bike

20 hang clean

20 pull-ups

20 push press

20 box jumps over

Rest 3 minutes

D) Accessories

3 rounds

9 dumbbell bench press

9 dumbbell deadlift

20m farmers carry

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