Healthy Big Mac Burger
November 19, 2022
A lightened-up version of the fast food favourite, the ultimate burger: The Big Mac. Two lean seasoned beef patties topped with cheese and big mac sauce, this burger will healthily satisfy your fast food craving without compromising the flavour.

I love burgers. The burgers I used to cook for my "cheat meals" were full of unhealthy ingredients, but this recipe is healthy and delicious!
This is one of my favourite recipes and I cook it weekly.
The recipe can be made in bulk and frozen for later so you can have a quick and healthy meal ready at a moment’s notice.
The recipe is simple. First, get your hands on some good quality meat: 5-8% fat grass-fed beef. Then prepare your burgers by slicing them into patties and seasoning them with garlic powder, oregano salt and pepper. Add chopped onions and a slice of bread cut into small pieces and you are ready to go.

What you'll need to make these healthy big mac burgers:
- Extra-lean beef mince: If you can’t find extra lean ground beef, you can substitute any other ground beef, but the stats will change
- Sesame Burger buns: mine were about 65g each, at 170 calories.
- Light cheddar cheese: if you can't find light cheddar cheese, you can substitute it with a different light cheese.