
Oatmeal Unleashed

70 power-packed high-protein oatmeal recipes for wellness

Included sections:

  • Overnight oats (28 recipes)
  • Baked oats (12 recipes)
  • Oatmeal porridges (19 recipes)
  • Oatmeal desserts (11 recipes)


  • Exclusive Recipes: Over 30% of the recipes are exclusive to the ebooks, making it a must-have for your collection.
  • Detailed Information: Each recipe comes with pictures, full ingredient lists, measurements, calorie counts, and macros to help you stay on track with your nutritional goals.
  • MyFitnessPal Integration: Scan our MyFitnessPal barcode to easily track the calories for each recipe, making it a breeze to stay within your daily targets.
  • Units of Measurement: We provide ingredient measurements in both metric (grams) and imperial (US cups, tbsp) units for your convenience.
  • Diverse Options: Our cookbooks include both vegan and meat-free options, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
  • Ingredient Substitutions: Each recipe includes suggestions for ingredient substitutions and recommendations for added flexibility.
  • Clickable Recipes: Navigate through the cookbooks with ease using our clickable tables of contents that redirect you to the exact recipe page.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Our step-by-step instructions make cooking these recipes a breeze, even if you’re not a seasoned chef.
  • Helpful Tips and Notes: Find valuable tips, notes, and additional information throughout the cookbooks to enhance your cooking experience

Cookbook Bundle


  • Exclusive Recipes: Over 30% of the recipes are exclusive to the ebooks, making it a must-have for your collection.
  • Detailed Information: Each recipe comes with pictures, full ingredient lists, measurements, calorie counts, and macros to help you stay on track with your nutritional goals.
  • MyFitnessPal Integration: Scan our MyFitnessPal barcode to easily track the calories for each recipe, making it a breeze to stay within your daily targets.
  • Units of Measurement: We provide ingredient measurements in both metric (grams) and imperial (US cups, tbsp) units for your convenience.
  • Diverse Options: Our cookbooks include both vegan and meat-free options, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
  • Ingredient Substitutions: Each recipe includes suggestions for ingredient substitutions and recommendations for added flexibility.
  • Clickable Recipes: Navigate through the cookbooks with ease using our clickable tables of contents that redirect you to the exact recipe page.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Our step-by-step instructions make cooking these recipes a breeze, even if you’re not a seasoned chef.
  • Helpful Tips and Notes: Find valuable tips, notes, and additional information throughout the cookbooks to enhance your cooking experience